Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Public Comments on Bill 268 FAIR/EQUAL?

The Vote was actually 7 to 2, but 2 of the votes were Kanalua. Which is a I'm not sure vote and becomes a yes. So the Vote is really up in the air as to how this will work out. The next reading will be on the 17th of May. We are planning on getting a bus to Hilo. If you want to go please email me and we will go in numbers. Please Please Please ask everyone you know to send in testimony in favor of Bill 268. Fair and Equal Access of Government; let it to come to the voters in November. Let the tax payers decide.
Thank you for your patience. This government process is like the twilight zone. Are the County Council members going to vote in favor of letting the people decide or are they going to kill it?
Who knows. Susan

Susan: if a member votes 'kanalua' twice, it is a yes vote. There's some type of long tradition that includes the 'kanalua' as a uniquely Hawaiian practice. I'll admit not having the details. In practice at the Council, it allows a Council member to be by-passed temporarily when he first votes 'kanalua' to see how others will vote. (We vote in alphabetical order, except for the Chair who votes last). If the member still is undecided, he/she can vote 'kanalua' again, but that vote stands as a 'yes' and the member knows it.
I keep saying, its not necessarily what the individual says during discussion. All too often, some of our members 'posture' for the camera. What counts is how one votes. There's too many examples of Council members voting no in Committee and then changing their votes once a measure hits the full Council for no apparent reason.
Hang in there. Pete

Aloha Susan,
Thank you for going and testifying today. I agree with you 100%!
However, there were really only 2 no votes. Holschuh and Higa voted Kanalua, which is counted as Yes.
I just feel we need to put out accurate information.
I did email the council about this issue and will do so again as needed.
Mahalo for all your efforts.
Dan Sabo

Aloha Susan
This amendment needs 6 votes on the next 3 readings to get on the ballot.
Bob Jacobson

or, he can bring a lawn chair or one he thinks is comphy!

I applaud your commitment and feel your frustration. Remember not to get too attached to results as that is the cause of all suffering; the desire for things to be different.. This is not a reprimand, but some advice you can either take or leave to help decrease the stress level in your life.
Perhaps we can focus on smaller scale strategies that will affect the most change. Like Pete Hoffman said, it took about 15% of the voters to get him elected with the low turnout in West Hawaii. We can make that work to our advantage.
What I see is that the County recognises it has been doing many things illegally for years and is ripe for multiple lawsuits, especially with the way it enforces building codes for developers. Curt DeWeiss looks like he is going to become Curt Litigation soon with all the problems cropping up at his properties. Look at what Hokulia got the County to agree to after threatening a lawsuit the County had a good chance of losing. So my personal fac strategy is the class action lawsuit by West Hawaii Citizens for discrimination in how County Funds are spent. It is easy to show that we pay 70%+ of the tax base and they spend less than 10% on improving roads on our side. I think that Mayor Kim has said at some Hilo meeting that they have no intentions of building roads in West Hawaii until 2014 or something like that. That would be the fastest way, in my opinion of affecting a change in County spending policy.
Peter Wu

Excellent response Ms. Susan.....I called the Mayor's office and Dixie Katsu to let them know that their Kona Mayor's office personal have no clue to where the District Councilman's office are and what is the agenda for the day. This is the incompetent lack of communication for public information for West Hawaii residents that seems to prevail under Kim's "nice guy" Administration. Keep up the great work and we will help and support your efforts.....da catbirds

Yeh Susan;
I sent an e-mail also giving support and sugesting any "thinking" representative would consider giving us 70% of the meetings since we pay that portion of the taxes.
We will be watching who votes how. And then I think we need to have a table at he Safe way location getting voters registered and involved before the vote occurs.
Mahalo, Faye

I sent in an email. Does this count for anything or do you have to be there and testify. That isn't possible for many people, but I will try to make it next time.
bev Leonhardt.

Mahalo for your efforts and testimony Susan. I sent you an e-mail after your first meeting stating how incredibly hard it is in Kona to get and keep people on the path towards some equality. "C.E.R.G. found that out specifically re: reapportionment issue.
That being said, consider the weather before throwing in the beach towel. I did send an e-mail, but the good old boys don't really care. Virginia Isbell? Ego and control, paramount in her agenda.
Fred Holschuh, should acknowledge he's probably too damn old if it's only the seats that bother him.
Real estate mantra, location, etc., etc.. My mantra, the weather, the weather, the weather.
Mahalo and Aloha
Stan Boren

I emailed my testimony. Debbie Hecht

Aloha Susan,
Reality is that your efforts are making a difference. Keep the faith, things can only get better with public participation. Heck, it can't get much worse.
Mahalo, Isaac and Tammy Harp

Hi Susan
I sent an e-mail this time because I had other commitments. Please let me know the next time this comes and I will attend and try and get all of my friends to come as well. Thank you for all of the work you are doing for all of us. Please, don't go back to reality, it really isn't all its cracked up to be and the weather is lousy!

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