Wednesday, July 27, 2011

These are Spooky Times We live in.

 When radical right wingers are holding our Nation Hostage.

by Susan McGeachy on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 12:28pm
The United States Congress has raised the ceiling hundreds of times over the past years. The US Congress has balanced the budget many times without any demand. I can't help feeling like the right wingers are fighting against our President regardless of how hard he tries.
This Congress / those that vote against raising the debt should be impeached.
This is not a game of "we are right or we aren't playing).
It is this new radical breed that want to stop the grandfather clock of time and try to change the access of government; (when they are less then the 1/3 majority of all of the law makers).

The Tea Party is going to teach us a lesson and demand a balanced budget without any tax increases. Unless they are from a Planet other then earth, we really don't see how!!! The Democrates have bent over so far backwards that they are now giving the farm away.

The answer is to bring home all of the troops NOW! and cut the contractors working there. Tax the richest 2% billionaires for corp. jets, cut all the give aways on tax subsidies for oil companies (making billions already).

This congress was sent there to guide our Nation forward, getting the people's business and interests first. Yea before all of the lobbiest (with there power and control).
As an AMERICAN I am embarassed by our Government and lack of consideration for ALL American's.
The Tea Party is right that we want to cut the debt but not TODAY. Pass something and then lazer focus on fixing the jobs, the economy and the damaged image our Nation is having to endure


Don't forget making the banks lower Americans' home mortgages after reappraising their homes when their entire neighborhood is now in decline and worth less original purchase price.  Allow unions to fight for the employees of big corps now expecting servitude instead of helping Americans make a wage that will allow them to rise above their present status.
Phyllis Chu

What do you think he can do?
    What he can do is "get it" that the the other party is not genuinely    at the negotiating table and wants NOTHING but failure for the black    man and anything he tries to do.
      He can stop acting like they are anything but disingenuous and say    so.  When they say no to things they actually were for in the    past,..that says they aren't there at the table. He can say it is a    shame what they are doing.
     He can stop taking Bonner to play golf!!!!!
      He can say the three programs that help those struggling is OFF    the table,.just as easily as they say the tax loopholes and    corporate welfare for the 2% fat cats is off their table.
       Social security is solvent for 30 years and paid by US!! Why in the hell is THAT on ANY frickin table????  It should not be! This is unbelievable!!!!
     He can say a word of encouragement to protesters who are fighting the union busters and say that these evil people are trying to make campaign money and voting difficult for no other reason that to    stifle Democratic votes!
     He can be as tough as his words were during his campaign.  He could be as tough as a Teddy Kennedy!.
     What we need is someone with a frickin sack!! Like Greyson!  Who wouldnt keep trying to negotiate with people who have no intention of negotiating!  When I see a picture of him sitting with these    fakes and smiling I want throw up!  They hate his guts and have no intention of compromising! Why does Obama keep acting like they are    anything but fake?
     He could come out and say they are obviously NOT interested in    creating a jobs bill,.when this is what is MOST important right    now,...he could say that  it is shameful for this party to hold our    country hostage as has never been done before,,and use what any same leader would do in this situation and use the Bully Pulpit as much  as possible. 
      He could say that they wanted to dilute the stimulous money  because they knew it would HELP the economy,..He could say they arte    using this Debt Ceiling for no other reason than to distract from    what IS most important right now;  JOBS!!!!!
     He could say that their actions show they are not actually anywhere near patriots by their actions!
    Say hey to Sacramento ED!   ;-) 
Mike F.

 Twist some arms? They have been in meetings for  over 8 months and these far right crazies are holding the country hostage.
It is a minority of the population that want the system to crash. These people should all be impeached. Even their fellow Republicans don’t agree with this group.
(Remember them: The ones with the Obama hate signs at all of their meetings? The ones totting guns to their rallies?)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coqui FROG Hunt in Kona Coastview HELP US!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

We are very lucky to have Vickie Kebler to head up the Coqui Frog control for Kona Coastview and Wonderview. She has spent countless hours hunting down frogs in our neighborhood.

Please talk to your friends and neighbors around you and lets all get together and help Vickie.

We need your help killing them with a machine that costs approx. $1,4000.00. We are currently borrowing a machine. Cash too will help buying citric acid and baking powder.

Hopefully with your help this will fight them off and retain the value of our homes.
Mucho Mahalos,

Susan McGeachy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bill Maher hits the nail on the head.

As the talks stall with the Credit Rating and the People of America being held hostage by this crazy Congress. Please for the good of the Nation and the future of our world, DO the right thing and get our house in order.
Compromise and get rid of the my way or the highway attitude.
It is up to the Republicans to give way to the will of the people.

Tax the richest and stop taking from the poorist.
Can't help feeling like we should be prepareing for the end of times in our generation.

God help us, we are in deep kim chee right now!
What is going to happen in the future! The middle class will be gone and people will become desparate. The times ahead may be one of survival.  This Country is truly going down. Egos will be our demise.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Social Security NEEDS your HELP!

Subject: Social Security needs help

This affects us personally.  Our beloved president has put Social Security cuts on the table for a debt deal with Republicans, because Republicans refuse to roll back tax breaks for the rich and big corporations.  Obama is desperate to stop the government shutdown that Republicans are threatening if Obama doesn't play ball and make a bunch of painful budget cuts.  Obama doesn't know how to negotiate, so he just gives things away.  Now he is saying he would support changes that would reduce the size of annual cost of living increases to social security. Over a period of about 10 years, this would effectively reduce the amount we would receive by about $500 a month, or possibly more.  Hopefully we will still be here in 10 years, and, if so, we will need that $500 a month.   Since Obama is pretty much a lost cause, we need to put pressure on congressional Democrats to reject this plan.  Obama can't do this without them. 

Here is the link:

Monday, May 16, 2011

What is your Health worth?

A few months ago I started getting hot flashes, that lasted and lasted. There were many signs, like swelling ankles, constant headaches, fatigue... I thought I finished the change of life over a year ago and I feel like I am going through it again. I went to my doctor and he ran tests, and called me to get in right away. That worried me. I took a battery of tests, cat scan.... pinched and poked...
Now he wants me to see an Endrocrynologist. He thinks I have a tumor on my adrenal gland. I am not a fan of doctors and think any profession that is called "practicing" is scary. Do they know or are they guessing???
This week I will be going to Oahu to see the specialist. (of course there aren't any on the Big Island so I have to go over there). Your health is very important.
The odd part of this, is that over the last year I have cleaned up my diet and started exercising, and then I get this. go figure!
Just an up date. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you for your letters, calls and advice. I really apreciate it.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

American's will never forget 9/11 or any of the other targets that have been attacked. Now we need to stay vigolent and remain on high security. Many people around the world don't like America, and we will stand strong.

Stop supporting Countries that harbor our enimies. Bring our troop home and revie America.

Thank God President Obama has stepped up to the plate and made the bold decision to TAKEM' OUT.
Great Work.

Now the GOP can talk about something other then President Obama's birth certificate.
Thank God for the persistance and the final out come.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kona Helping Japan with shelter boxes.

Lot's of activity in organizing this Kona,Kona Mauka, Kona Sunrise multiclub Rotary/Interact project to benefit theJapanese with as many Shelter Boxes as we can.  Given our strong sisterclub relationships, it is the least that we can achieve.

We are up to three so far, and today at Walmart, the project has alreadylaunched out to the Kona public, and they are great.  Last October, theysupported 180 Christmas Care boxes to the US Marines.
Ann Goody has been in contact with the recently commenced Aloha for Japan project based on Oahu,and they are very interested in using some of their statewide collected fundsto also support the Shelter Box Program.  Please if you would, get thismessage out to your contacts, and WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Cliff Kopp

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kailua Kona Tsunami 3/11/11
some amazing footage of the water coming over the sea wall at Alii Dr.

Friday, March 04, 2011

The State Akaka Bill needs your help

The Hawai`i Senate Is About To Vote On The State Akaka Bills.
It Is Critical That You & Everyone You Know Act Today To Defeat These Bills.
You can make a direct difference and help prevent these fake state Akaka Bills from ever becoming law.
These Bills Would Do Two Major Things -

1. Allow the fake state of Hawai`i to seize the so-called ceded or Crown Lands and immediately sell them to foreign developers for billions of dollars, thus solving the fake stateʻs budget crisis.

2. Set up the Danner sisters and Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement as the ones in charge. They will literally have the power to decide if you and your family are "native Hawaiian" or not. They will be able to decide your future and the future of your `ohana if these bills pass.
Now is the time for a display of strong resistance and outrage that your voice is being ignored on this legislation.

* Call all Hawai`i state Senators and tell them to vote NO on SB1 and SB1520, the “First Nation,” tribal government schemes. If they pass out of the Senate, call each House member a tell them to vote NO. Find Their Phone Numbers HERE
* Get your testimonies ready. Be ready to send your testimony in at a moment’s notice and then be there at the hearings to present them in person.
* Keep your testimony simple and to the point (see sample ‘talking points’ below). Now is not the time to preach or ‘educate.’ They are not listening. The legislators need only know that there is fierce opposition to these bills.
Below are the four strongest talking points for your testimony. Pick one or two or use all four. “I am opposed to SB1 and SB1520 because...”
1. The State of Hawai`i has no constitutional power to form a new “indigenous” “First Nation” government. Nothing in the State or Federal constitutions give the State of Hawa`ii the authority to form a new “nation” within the “state.” Thus, if passed, these new fake “nation” entities will be ruled unconstitutional by the courts.
2. This will plunge the state of Hawaii into chaos. It will be divisive and extremely disruptive pitting Hawaiians against each other; Hawaiians against non-Hawaiians; families against families. It would create conflicting jurisdictions between the “Native Hawaiian” tribal government, the State government and the US government.
3. The State of Hawai`i is in a terrible financial crisis. Making the people of Hawai`i pay an unspecified hundreds of millions of tax dollars to implement a rogue tribal governing entity is irresponsible, immoral and illegal. It would be far better use tax dollars to fund the critical needs of current services and infrastructure in Hawai`i.
4. The legislature hasn’t spent the time to carefully consider the ramifications. Prematurely rushing through SB1 and SB1520 with so many more pressing, critical matters, would be a serious waste of time. It would also violate the people’s right to participate in the democratic, decision-making process. Before passing something that would so drastically alter the State’s governing structure, the legislature needs to defer action; take at least a year to hear what the people in our communities have to say, carefully study all the factors and ramifications, then make a decision.
One Email Sends Your Testimony To All Senators Here - Or Click Here To Submit Your Testimony
Visit for more information.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kona Police Department AKA Keystone Cops

Yesterday my husband and I were passing Walmart and saw a fender bender in the other direction. 2 cars no injuries. We went to the bank and returned 10 minutes later and the fire truck on the scene and the 2 vechiles in the accident were pulled around the corner and out of the main traffic. Then out of no where 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 police squad cars fight the traffic and arrive making a HUGE TRAFFIC JAM. NO help. just make the situation worse.
My question is does Kona have what is known as a dispatch service?
Our tax dollars, gas wasted for so many to be on a cleared scene?

Do we have someone that sends 2 cars or as needed or is it EVERYONE JUSt go go go go>>>>>>. What a waste of time, money and created a worse traffic jam.

Larry, Moe and Curley would have been proud of these keystone cops.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Remembering back when!

Does anyone remember back when you pulled into a gas station and a cheerful guy in a white uniform with a bow tie; would jog out and filler up, wash the windows and check the oil?
Does anyone remember back when your bank asked if there is anything they can do for you, and not try to cross sell you on opening something new?
Does anyone remember back when people took pride in the homes, and mowed their lawn and kept a nice clean home/driveway?
What happened to those days? Service is no longer in our volcabulary.
Why is that.
I look around and see that people just don't care anymore.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

President Obama helps Tucson and the Nation heal.

The tradegy in the Tucson shooting was:That the gun and bullets are available with little or no effort.
There should be legislation to out law automatic weapons like that. Why do you need more then 10 rounds at once? This nut had 30 rounds in seconds. Sad.
There were warning signs but he still came under the radar.
The College threw him out and thats all they could do.The guy at Walmart selling the bullets didn't notice that this guy was deranged?The father noticed that his son was dranged but didn't call the Police?
Should of would of could of.....
Time for Congress/ Sentate to step forward and protect us from this kind of mahame.
The Repulican speak is that your right to own and bear a weapon is in the constitution.
The reality is when the constitution was written they had to load one bullet and fire and reload.
They didn't have repeating rounds 30 times?

If heatlh care isn't available to all; who is going to cover all these gun accidents/shootings????

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Changing of the Guards in the House. DANGER!

These next 2 years should be very exciting. The last two years the Republicans all together agreed to vote NO on EVERYthing that was put forward. Now John Bohener (the cry baby) will have to come up with solutions and ideas.
The Health Care plan has no chance of repeal. The American people have spoken and they want JOBS< JOBS< AND JOBS>>>>>
Quite wasting the tax payers money and work on JOBS>
Who do you think pays for those that use emergency rooms without insurance. Thats right you and me.
Why is America the richest country but we are dieing everyday from Obesity, diabetes, and illness related to poor diet. Well the new health care plan will require restraunts to post the actual calories. The new health care helps Seniors with expensive drugs, the new health care covers students on Mom and Dad's insurance until they are 27.... on and on.......
If the Republicans are serious about no new TAXs then why did they just fight to give the wealthiest Americans a FREE RIDE? How do they think they are going to bring the deficit down with actions like that?
We shall see.
My vote is still with Obama 2012. Excellent Job with the hand he was delt.