Friday, March 04, 2011

The State Akaka Bill needs your help

The Hawai`i Senate Is About To Vote On The State Akaka Bills.
It Is Critical That You & Everyone You Know Act Today To Defeat These Bills.
You can make a direct difference and help prevent these fake state Akaka Bills from ever becoming law.
These Bills Would Do Two Major Things -

1. Allow the fake state of Hawai`i to seize the so-called ceded or Crown Lands and immediately sell them to foreign developers for billions of dollars, thus solving the fake stateʻs budget crisis.

2. Set up the Danner sisters and Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement as the ones in charge. They will literally have the power to decide if you and your family are "native Hawaiian" or not. They will be able to decide your future and the future of your `ohana if these bills pass.
Now is the time for a display of strong resistance and outrage that your voice is being ignored on this legislation.

* Call all Hawai`i state Senators and tell them to vote NO on SB1 and SB1520, the “First Nation,” tribal government schemes. If they pass out of the Senate, call each House member a tell them to vote NO. Find Their Phone Numbers HERE
* Get your testimonies ready. Be ready to send your testimony in at a moment’s notice and then be there at the hearings to present them in person.
* Keep your testimony simple and to the point (see sample ‘talking points’ below). Now is not the time to preach or ‘educate.’ They are not listening. The legislators need only know that there is fierce opposition to these bills.
Below are the four strongest talking points for your testimony. Pick one or two or use all four. “I am opposed to SB1 and SB1520 because...”
1. The State of Hawai`i has no constitutional power to form a new “indigenous” “First Nation” government. Nothing in the State or Federal constitutions give the State of Hawa`ii the authority to form a new “nation” within the “state.” Thus, if passed, these new fake “nation” entities will be ruled unconstitutional by the courts.
2. This will plunge the state of Hawaii into chaos. It will be divisive and extremely disruptive pitting Hawaiians against each other; Hawaiians against non-Hawaiians; families against families. It would create conflicting jurisdictions between the “Native Hawaiian” tribal government, the State government and the US government.
3. The State of Hawai`i is in a terrible financial crisis. Making the people of Hawai`i pay an unspecified hundreds of millions of tax dollars to implement a rogue tribal governing entity is irresponsible, immoral and illegal. It would be far better use tax dollars to fund the critical needs of current services and infrastructure in Hawai`i.
4. The legislature hasn’t spent the time to carefully consider the ramifications. Prematurely rushing through SB1 and SB1520 with so many more pressing, critical matters, would be a serious waste of time. It would also violate the people’s right to participate in the democratic, decision-making process. Before passing something that would so drastically alter the State’s governing structure, the legislature needs to defer action; take at least a year to hear what the people in our communities have to say, carefully study all the factors and ramifications, then make a decision.
One Email Sends Your Testimony To All Senators Here - Or Click Here To Submit Your Testimony
Visit for more information.

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