Monday, May 16, 2011

What is your Health worth?

A few months ago I started getting hot flashes, that lasted and lasted. There were many signs, like swelling ankles, constant headaches, fatigue... I thought I finished the change of life over a year ago and I feel like I am going through it again. I went to my doctor and he ran tests, and called me to get in right away. That worried me. I took a battery of tests, cat scan.... pinched and poked...
Now he wants me to see an Endrocrynologist. He thinks I have a tumor on my adrenal gland. I am not a fan of doctors and think any profession that is called "practicing" is scary. Do they know or are they guessing???
This week I will be going to Oahu to see the specialist. (of course there aren't any on the Big Island so I have to go over there). Your health is very important.
The odd part of this, is that over the last year I have cleaned up my diet and started exercising, and then I get this. go figure!
Just an up date. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you for your letters, calls and advice. I really apreciate it.

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