Wednesday, July 27, 2011

These are Spooky Times We live in.

 When radical right wingers are holding our Nation Hostage.

by Susan McGeachy on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 12:28pm
The United States Congress has raised the ceiling hundreds of times over the past years. The US Congress has balanced the budget many times without any demand. I can't help feeling like the right wingers are fighting against our President regardless of how hard he tries.
This Congress / those that vote against raising the debt should be impeached.
This is not a game of "we are right or we aren't playing).
It is this new radical breed that want to stop the grandfather clock of time and try to change the access of government; (when they are less then the 1/3 majority of all of the law makers).

The Tea Party is going to teach us a lesson and demand a balanced budget without any tax increases. Unless they are from a Planet other then earth, we really don't see how!!! The Democrates have bent over so far backwards that they are now giving the farm away.

The answer is to bring home all of the troops NOW! and cut the contractors working there. Tax the richest 2% billionaires for corp. jets, cut all the give aways on tax subsidies for oil companies (making billions already).

This congress was sent there to guide our Nation forward, getting the people's business and interests first. Yea before all of the lobbiest (with there power and control).
As an AMERICAN I am embarassed by our Government and lack of consideration for ALL American's.
The Tea Party is right that we want to cut the debt but not TODAY. Pass something and then lazer focus on fixing the jobs, the economy and the damaged image our Nation is having to endure


Don't forget making the banks lower Americans' home mortgages after reappraising their homes when their entire neighborhood is now in decline and worth less original purchase price.  Allow unions to fight for the employees of big corps now expecting servitude instead of helping Americans make a wage that will allow them to rise above their present status.
Phyllis Chu

What do you think he can do?
    What he can do is "get it" that the the other party is not genuinely    at the negotiating table and wants NOTHING but failure for the black    man and anything he tries to do.
      He can stop acting like they are anything but disingenuous and say    so.  When they say no to things they actually were for in the    past,..that says they aren't there at the table. He can say it is a    shame what they are doing.
     He can stop taking Bonner to play golf!!!!!
      He can say the three programs that help those struggling is OFF    the table,.just as easily as they say the tax loopholes and    corporate welfare for the 2% fat cats is off their table.
       Social security is solvent for 30 years and paid by US!! Why in the hell is THAT on ANY frickin table????  It should not be! This is unbelievable!!!!
     He can say a word of encouragement to protesters who are fighting the union busters and say that these evil people are trying to make campaign money and voting difficult for no other reason that to    stifle Democratic votes!
     He can be as tough as his words were during his campaign.  He could be as tough as a Teddy Kennedy!.
     What we need is someone with a frickin sack!! Like Greyson!  Who wouldnt keep trying to negotiate with people who have no intention of negotiating!  When I see a picture of him sitting with these    fakes and smiling I want throw up!  They hate his guts and have no intention of compromising! Why does Obama keep acting like they are    anything but fake?
     He could come out and say they are obviously NOT interested in    creating a jobs bill,.when this is what is MOST important right    now,...he could say that  it is shameful for this party to hold our    country hostage as has never been done before,,and use what any same leader would do in this situation and use the Bully Pulpit as much  as possible. 
      He could say that they wanted to dilute the stimulous money  because they knew it would HELP the economy,..He could say they arte    using this Debt Ceiling for no other reason than to distract from    what IS most important right now;  JOBS!!!!!
     He could say that their actions show they are not actually anywhere near patriots by their actions!
    Say hey to Sacramento ED!   ;-) 
Mike F.

 Twist some arms? They have been in meetings for  over 8 months and these far right crazies are holding the country hostage.
It is a minority of the population that want the system to crash. These people should all be impeached. Even their fellow Republicans don’t agree with this group.
(Remember them: The ones with the Obama hate signs at all of their meetings? The ones totting guns to their rallies?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog