Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hokulia Bypass Litigation
Hokulia Bypass Litigation
WHT had an article today on the continuing saga surrounding the Hokulia bypass road. The gist of this litigation is the adjoining landowner to the south of Hokulia is contesting the County of Hawaii's use of eminent domain to condemn 2.9 acres of their land for the much needed bypass road.
The land owners case rests on these areas :
"Their main argument, filed in 2001 as a counter motion to the county's eminent domain action, has been that the road is not for a valid public purpose, but to benefit the developer."
"While the property owner has raised the question of public use, Kamelamela said a range of other issues has also been brought into the proceedings, including legality of the development agreement between Oceanside 1250 and the county, possible unlawful delegation of condemnation powers, alleged violations of the state's procurement code and charges that an illegal zoning tax would be levied against anyone along the road who chose to upzone their property."
Aaron Stene

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