Thursday, May 18, 2006

Public comments on #268 DEFEAT

We needed a 2/3's vote to keep this bill going.
The NO votes were:
Stacy Higa, Donald Ikeda, Fred Holschuh and
(hiding in another room watching the meeting on a closed circuit monitor and not present in the full meeting) James Arakakai. None of these people are able to serve the interest of the ENTIRE BIG ISLAND and have no business running for office again.

OK, that does it. I'm for splitting the county.

Well, We tried.
It continues to astonish me how much time Arakaki spends OUTSIDE the meeting during any testimony.

I still feel that this was not the most important battle to be fought with the counsel or the most important issue. I do believe that we should continue to organize, register people to vote and get someone elected in many districts who will promote our agenda of fairness in govt spending and representation. Thanks for your efforts and I hope you keep on trying.

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