Saturday, May 06, 2006

Josh Green M.D. State Rep. Dist. 6, Kona

Dear Friend, The legislative session ended yesterday and I want to thank you for all of your ideas and support. I am very proud of the results we have achieved for Kona over the last two years:
1. Over $50 million for new roads, schools and clinics in Kona including:
$30 million for new highway construction to improve traffic flow on Queen Kaahumanu highway
$11.5 million for Kona public schools
$10 million for new connector roads and road safety resources
2. Universal healthcare coverage for Hawaii's children with the Quest insurance expansion and the new Keiki Care plan which I fought for and strongly believe in, 3. Ice Prevention resources for every single middle school in our state, 4. $50 million for statewide affordable housing, with $1 million specifically going to a homeless facility in West Hawaii, 5. The creation of a devoted Trauma Fund and Community Health Center Fund to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone in Hawaii.
Today I will begin walking our district door to door to ask for your ideas on how we can continue to make Kailua-Kona a better place to live, and also to ask you for your support so that I may remain your Representative in the Hawaii State House. Over the next six months I will be out in our community knocking on doors, making telephone calls, and sign waving. I hope to talk to you personally so I can understand your individual ideas and concerns for our community.
Together we have already achieved PROVEN RESULTS FOR KONA! I believe we can and will achieve even more in the coming years. Sincerely,Josh
Josh Green M.D.State RepresentativeDistrict 6, Kona

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