Monday, May 08, 2006

Call or Email me to Get on This Bus.

Here is your opportunity to go to our county council meeting in Hilo and testify or be present to make the impression that Kona counts and Kona can count!

Several important agenda items will be heard on May 17th not the least of which is Bill 268 to amend our County Charter to read the council will (not shall or may) meet in West Hawaii in odd numbered months.

As you know, the teleconferencing doesn’t give the impact that personal in-person testimony.

The bus will leave Coconut Grove Marketplace at 6:30 AM returning to the same location after testimony is complete. The cost is sure less than a tank of gas and you will have a professional driver and time to strategize about this issue and others…a traveling community meeting. Seats are now on sale at $16.50 and are on a first come basis. The bus capacity is 50. Reservations must be made by Friday, May 12 at noon. If at least 40 people have not signed up by that time, the bus will be canceled. What a shame that would be! We should be ordering 2 buses or 3!

We need to make this happen! or 325-7576

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