Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bruce McClure responds Roads stalled!

Hi Susan-
We continue to work at getting these roads opened and I'm pleased to share with you their status:
1-IliIli/KieKie(TMK:7-3-05:102)-The CoH has been unable to locate the
owner(s) of the Morris Scanlan Trust, one of two owners of parcel 102. Judge Strance on 5/11/06 denied the CoH request to proceed with publishing notices in the daily newspaper, but instead instructed the CoH to conduct further research in attempting to locate said owners.
Had the Court agreed to the CoH request, 3 publications in the daily(WHT) would have sufficed.

2-Holu/KeoKeo(TMK:7-3-05:101 & 111)-A road maintenance agreement for parcel
111(Matsumoto) involves over 30 owners has stymied its acquisition by the CoH. A similar situation exists for parcel 101, many of whom are the same owners as parcel 111. Serving all of the owners has posed a problem for the Sheriff's office, since some live in Japan.

3-Kauhale/AhiAhi(TMK:7-3-10:36) - An existing lawsuit, filed prior to the CoH's efforts to acquire the roadway parcel, amongst the 4 owners of parcel
36 has slowed down the process and complicated its acquisition.
As you can see each of the roads provides special challenges, which we are addressing. Should you have any question feel free to contact us.

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