Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Susan responds to Judy

Aloha Judy,
Thank you for your input. The process is far more then just the financial split. There are over 400 Legislators in Honolulu that must give the blessing. There are at least four other areas in the Island chain that want to do the exact same process. There are other avenues such as Incorporating as a city, township, etc. As Speaker of the House Calvin Say stated; the process has to start with public discussion. If we sit by and wait for a miracle then it will never happen. As the constitution of the State of Hawaii Bill of rights states: ”All political power of this State is inherent in the people; and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people. All government is founded on this authority”
The reason so many didn’t show up at the meeting (by the numerous emails and calls I have received) there were two other important meetings the same night. Rep. Josh Green and the La Aloa’ street both had meetings.
Thank you again. Susan McGeachy

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