Sunday, March 05, 2006

Andrew responds to 1st meeting

Pilago and Hoffman are at the core of support for the sort station / 'send it to Kona' plan. Your words about 'electing other people' ring hollow until you start supporting a candidate against them. As far as I could see your meeting might as well have been a Pete Hoffman campaign rally.
Talk is cheap.
Andrew Walden

Aloha Andrew,
I guess you missed the point of entire meeting. Many people stood up and spoke. This meeting was to hear the cry of the public. It was hardly a Hoffman campaign rally. I would say it was a public rally for discontentment of the current system.
As for the current administration, If I thought they were doing a good job then I wouldn’t be wasting my time trying to better our community.
The next election may be a wake up call. We need to stop complaining and look for solutions. What are you doing?
You’re right talk is cheap.
Susan McGeachy

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