Friday, March 03, 2006

Richard responds to Trash

Dear Susan,

You need to sort the trash to recapture the recyclables and then burn the rest to generate electricity. This is being done in Connecticut on a environmentally and economically sound basis. The technology is there all we have to do is convince the County to get rid of the union that ties a millstone around our necks and hire "AGAIN" a professional waste management company to handle this mess once and forever. The union is the problem and we just don't have the courage to tell them to stop ruining the entire Island for the sake of the jobs of 10 to at most 100 union members at the expense of the entire Island. The union just can't continue to hold all of us at ramsom for their wages, benefits and job security cosiderations. I be pleased to let them all retire early at full retirement benefits just to save the rest of the Island from their constant unreasonable demands that get us into these messes in the first place. We wouldn't be facing this crisis if Waste Management, Inc. had been kept on as the managers for the refuse on this Island instead of buckling to the union.


Richard B. Leander, Jr., C.P.A.

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