Saturday, June 17, 2006

Questionable Testimony by Stacy Higa-Chair.
Questionable Testimony....
It seems there is a creditability problem in regards to the 17 people who wrote testimony in opposition to having more meetings in Kona :
From the WHT article
"However, responses from those whose names appear on letters opposed to the measure weren't so definite. Of the eight people who could be contacted, some refused to speak about the issue, one hung up after being told the reason for the phone call, two people didn't recall signing such a letter and one said he actually supports council members meeting as often in Kona as in Hilo."
It seems to me something fishy has been cooked up with this testimony.Even though the people for more meetings in Kona beat the people against 56-17, it is unsettling that some, if not all, the testimony against might've been contrived.
On top of that, I believe the comments by one of the people who wrote testimony against having more meetings in Kona, is out of line.
"The trouble with what's going on is that new people are coming and wanting to change things," he said. "If things were so good for them where they came from -- 'Oh, in Oklahoma we did it this way.' 'Oh, in Arizona we did it this way'-- why are they here then, if it was so good?"
Mr. Johansen, you really don't get it. On the mainland there is cities and municipalities that is the difference versus here. In Oklahoma, and Arizona government is closer to the people, instead of being 100 miles away. We are just seeking fairness frankly. It is the lesser of two evils, would you rather split into two counties ?
Aaron Stene
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

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