Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's Logical to have the meetings in Hilo? Why!
Due To Logic, No Kona Council Meetings
That is Council Chairman's reasoning why there shouldn't be more council meetings held in Kona. Since Hilo is center of government and the primary location for county departments, thus having more meetings in Kona is not logical.
From the WHT article:
However, Higa said the issue is not one of fairness but logic because most major county offices are in Hilo.
"Whether the people in Kona like it or not, whether it is fair or not, Hilo is the center of our government on this island," said Higa.
He claimed that Pilago's resolutions are politically driven and compared the request to asking the state Legislature or Congress to hold meetings in Kona.
"In all due respect, Mr. Pilago needs to deal with the issues in his district," said Higa. He insists holding meetings in Kona would not in any way persuade council members' votes.
"I honestly think council members are informed about their districts,"
said Higa. "Our decisions are based on the information we all have. We make decisions based on the merits of projects."
Mr. Higa, you really do not get it frankly. As it stands, your statements are going to add more fuel to the fire to split this county apart. Yes the seat of government on this island is in Hilo.But by having more council meetings in Kona,it will bring county government closer to the people in West Hawaii. It will help bridge the deep divide splitting this island apart.
There is a lot of people very angry at the county in West Hawaii.They see a lack of effort on the part of the county to mitigate the horrible traffic here in West Hawaii.On top of that, county is more than willing to bend over backwards for developers over the citizenry of West Hawaii. Worse yet, it seems the more we complain, the more we are made out to look like the bad guys.
Your analogy paralleling more council meetings in Kona to having the legislature or congress meet in Kona is way off base.Yes both of those entities wield more power than the Hawaii County Council. But neither have the control over re-zoning of land and or can build roads.
In short, Mr. Higa if you really have aspirations to become Mayor in 2008, you really need to look in the mirror. As your insensitive comments are not going to win many votes in West Hawaii.
Aaron Stene
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

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