Thursday, February 16, 2006

Susan contacts Honululu DOH

Aloha Pete,

Bio-Energy may or may not be the answer but; paying to have our trash shipped to Washington State doesn’t sound like a cost efficient plan for the tax payers. What about other options like the Glover quarry in Hilo (a giant hole)? This is the “Big” Island you would think the county could find a location for the trash here on island other then Kona’s backyard.
I called the Department of Health today and spoke with Steve Chang, He seems to think the near capacity Hilo Landfill will be putting in an application for redesign to extend the life of the landfill for approx. 3 years. Creating a steeper slope and using more land. The second step would be a 3 year contract to ship the trash to Washington State. After which time the County must look at new technologies or fill the Kona Landfill. He is going to email me more details and I will post them.
The information I had regarding the landfill came for the Town meeting on 2/13/06 via Virginia Isbell. The information she had should have been what the rest of the council had too. Everyone I speak to has a totally different story. Hopefully DOH will clear the air. It would be really nice if the public was up to speed on the process.
Please read today’s paper. The full disclosure is right there or maybe not!
Thank you for responding. It shows you are concerned.
Aloha, Susan

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