Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Stan responds

Aloha Susan,
I was at your first meeting. I went to see Josh Green last night. My hope is that you can get more people invigorated. I was involved with a group by the acronym of "C.E.R.G. It was extremely difficult to keep people committed to the cause. Other groups that might benefit from joining forces, many times want to fight things on their own. Usually don't achieve as much that way. I applaud your efforts. I wish I thought I had a lot to lend to a group, but I see more of what is wrong than how to effect positive changes. Also I am too stressed trying to keep commitments I already have.
Josh Green did venture that it might be more productive to try and have some duplicate branches of County Govt. over here, rather than shooting for another bureaucracy that might be almost as self serving?
Best of Luck!
Stan Boren

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