Saturday, February 04, 2006

Oahu exploring a new county

Aloha Susan,
I came across your name in an article this week regarding creating a new county on the Big Island. I live on the North Shore of Oahu and a number of friends and neighbors have been exploring that very issue.
I was wondering if you and the group you are working with would be willing to share information, issues etc with us?
In the interest of full disclosure... I am running for the state house this year and feel that issues like closer governance need to be integrated in the vision of our community ( and yours). As a fellow businessowner, we need smaller, more transparent government!
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jeffrey Kalani Alameida, CFP®

Aloha Jeffrey,
Thank you for your correspondence. Yes we would like to get as many islands on board as possible. I already had an attorney from Honolulu want to get on the mailing list.
You can track our progress by reading the blog:
We will continually up date this blog daily. If you start at the bottom you will see the letter from Speaker of the House Calvin K. Say. The top of the blog is most recent.
Please join us in organizing. The more people we have the easier it will be.
This is a long road and it takes a lot of work.
I added your name to our email list. You can see the agenda for February's meeting. If you have any questions or comments please email me.
Welcome aboard.
Susan McGeachy

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