Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Laying out the Standards

Laying out the standards for
“Citizens for Better Government”

The first meeting was to air our grips. This was accomplished. Now we need to organize as a team. We all have to be working with the same goals in order to be successful.

As per many requests I will lay down the guidelines and rules.

There will be no signs or bashing of any council members. This group is to better government and not squash it. We have to set the example. We need facts and then action. No other alternative groups will be allowed to take away from your meeting.

The people wanting to be Team Leaders will be interviewed by the group. The group will select the Team Leader they feel will be the most productive. If the group is not satisfied with the Team Leader they can vote them out. It will be the democratic process of majority rules.

Respecting others opinions is a requirement. Everyone gets a chance to share and all ideas should be considered. The group will decide what path we need to take.

The Goal of this group is to work as a team to get better government for the tax payers of this island. The process will include the pursuit of a separate county and equal return on our tax dollars. This process will be achieved by the six groups. Each group will have a monthly goal. The first step is awareness and then action.

Thank you for all of your support. This can only happen if you take part.

Constitution of Hawaii: Bill of Rights.

”All political power of this State is inherent in the people; and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people. All government is founded on this authority”

Susan McGeachy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this might sound obvious, but it's always good to be clear about our intentions. I would also suggest laying out some broad goals that we can all agree upon. More than just concerned citizens for more responsible government. Even tho I feel the idea of splitting the County is a good one, practically speaking, does anyone think the voters in East Hawaii are going to say, "Yes, let's vote to split the County and cut 73% of our operating budget!"
It would be far easier, in my opinion, to elect the people who believe it's only fair that the County spend 1/2 it's budget making improvements or even take the initiative to improve the roads and infrastructure in West Hawaii.
So some common goals might include a) splitting the County, b) incorporating Kailua-Kona (but that leaves out the other districts) c) electing those we feel are sympathetic to our agenda and concerns d) declaring West Hawaii an independent country (my favorite with legalized gambling, etc) or f) pressuring the council members to vote more money to build infrastructure in West Hawaii.
I guess I am asking for a mission statement.