Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Splitting Hawaii County? Come find out!

Aloha Ladies and Gentlemen,

I went down to the Mayors office and purchased the “Data Book 2004 County of Hawaii” I found the Data book to be incomplete. It did have the “Federal, State, and County Tax Collections, State of Hawaii: 1976- 1997” Table 9.1.
But, What happened to our accounting for tax collections for (1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004)?

The “State Operating Expenditures” Table 9.5 just happened to be only up to 1997 too.
Where are the numbers for 1998-2004? I am sure we had a budget and expenses.
Didn’t we keep track of how much the state makes and how much of the budget was spent? Who is in charge of reporting these numbers?

The time has come to address Hawaii County. The tax payers and legislators will now have a chance to come forward and speak their peace. We are having a meeting on Monday January 30, 2006 from 5:30 to 8:00pm at the Kealakekehe High School Cafeteria. The goal of this meeting is to determine if the tax payers of the Big Island are ready for two counties. If the public doesn’t show up and get involved then we will take it that everyone is happy with the way things are running. A few people can not make this happen. It takes all of the Voters to make some smart decisions for our future.

Register to vote. In the front of the phone book is the voter’s registration. If you are 18 years of age or older, then take the time and file it in.
Do your homework. Did your elected officials do what they promised? What did they accomplish? Which Senators, Legislators, Mayors and Representatives did a good job and should be re-elected? Which ones need the boot?
After only 46 years of State Hood how can we have system that is so unbalanced? Do we need a Constitutional Convention “Con Con”? Is it time to make some changes to better our tax payers?

The Constitution of Hawaii Bill of Rights reads as follows: “All political power of this State is inherent in the people; and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people. All government is founded on this authority.”

It is easy to do nothing and complain. It is hard to take a stand and become an active member of your community. 2006 is a new year and a new beginning.
Step up to the plate and become a member of the team. Do it for yourself and your children.

Susan McGeachy

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