Saturday, January 07, 2006

Marjorie Erway

Aloha Susan!
We truly appreciate your concern for Hawaii Island and encourage your continued involvement in our democracy.
With that said, we do NOT support the splitting of the Island in to two counties. We are one island and need to learn to work together instead of trying to form two governmental agencies which will only cause more divisiveness among the people. Working together is very difficult, but with the sense of aloha that is prevalent on this Island, we can do it, if we dedicate ourselves to it.
We would rather hope that all will support the Community Planning process now underway. This process, required by the new General Plan, allows us to involve all the stakeholders in addressing economics, environmental quality, natural hazards, resources and land use for different regions of the County. These are action documents that will become law so that future County Council MUST follow. This can assure resources are directed where needed and without splitting the county in two.
Continue to encourage people ot vote - carry a few of the wikiwiki registration forms with you to pass out. Support, visibly, those people who are running for office who you think will represent us well, or better yet, become a candidate. There is lots of work to be done here, and with the growing westside population, it won't be long before the westside will have more political influence. Maybe that's the good part of so much traffic?!
Obviously, we will not attend your meeting, but did want to let you know our feelings. Let's work together to bring about positive change!
Marjorie & Duane Erway

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