Friday, January 27, 2006

Mayor Kim is proud of 2005 Accomplishments?

What accomplishments? I see he claims credit for the Coastview/ Wonderview Water improvement district. If any one deserves credit on the project it is Jim Rath. He is the one that introduced the bill and the citizens of Coastview (myself included) brought it full circle. Mayor Kim did nothing to create or facilitate this project. Just like he has done nothing to complete our fire station. Which has been on the books since 1999 with 2.5 million allocated but never spent and never accomplished. I wrote to the Mayor three weeks ago asking why the Coastview/ Wonderview project isn’t appearing on the County website as a project in the works. NO answer naturally. What has he done? Sit by while his council members fight and go vacationing on the tax payers money. Good Job Harry.
As for Bruce McClure claiming Kona drivers “suck”. What is he a traffic cop? He is from Hilo. How does he know how anyone drives! Because of his lack of follow up our roads are in major disrepair not to mention only two major roads for 60,000 people to use in Kona. Wake up and smell the coffee.
If you stand up and say “I am proud” then it should be of something you have accomplished. Not the tail strings of what someone else created.
Once again I am inviting the public to come and voice their opinion on Monday night 5:30 to 8:00 at Kealakehe High School. This meeting is to determine if we need or want two counties. With the amazing job Harry and his merry men are doing who knows what the public wants.
Susan McGeachy

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