Friday, October 22, 2010

What was the Supreme Court Thinking?? Or were they?

The overwhelming horrible TV commercials attacking each other over this election has become unbearable.
The really bad part is that we don't have a clear cut view of who is creating and paying for these commercials. The Supreme Court ruled that NO ONE has to disclose who, what, where and when and why is supporting each canidate. Or how much they are spending?What can we do? Who do we write to?

Since when is America known for this kind of closed / unnamed / under the table kind of campaigning?

Just like the Health Care fight: with Rick Scott of Florida. He bought up all the hospitals in an area (3 States to be exact) and closed all but one. That way he could charge what he wants and the public has no other choices. He is now buying his way into the Senate. America has gone to the dogs.

What happened to our great Nation. We have turned to the dark side, I guess!

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