Tuesday, January 12, 2010

15 County Vehicles on the Job and NO OPEN STREET???

Over a dozen guys cleaned up Holu Road and are Waiting for HILO Bob Yunaba, to give permission to open this street.
Good Job on the landscaping NOW WHAT ABOUT OUR ROAD OPENING.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know the County of Hawaii had that many vehicles. Now what is the hold up?

Anonymous said...

Since when does "convenience" trump safety? This road is clearly unsafe to just be "opened" without the proper safety modifications.. and for what.."so they won't be flying down our street." How is it o.k. instead for a road that is unsafe to be open.. for these cars to instead "fly down another street." It sounds more like "passing the buck" instead of really desiring a change to be made for the better.. Wow it is really a sad day when we are so egocentrically based that looking out for safety no longer is a priority. What happened to morality and ethics..

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The legal out come is OPEN the connector. Get the police and do what is legal.

Anonymous said...

actually the Legal Outcome was not to open the connector without proper modifications (as actually some of the road is still privately owned) .. there were stipulations and preceeding safety inlcusion that has been ignored...

Sooze said...

The court gave the legal owner some 90,000 for condemnation of the land. The County now owns the road. The safety modification was for a sight problem for a lady backing out of her driveway and not being able to see due to a parked car. This was suposed to have been corrected with a no parking sign. End of story.
Who are you anyway. This has been in court and the public for 5 years and NOW you are coming forward. Maybe you should have had an attorney when the litigation was happening (for years).