Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Six Groups

The Groups and their responsibilities:

Group 1: Media:
Read all of the island's newspapers. Determine which groups are
interested in creating either a separate county or incorporating as a City or
Township. Create a report we can use each month to track the media.

Group 2: Government:
Create a report we can use each month to track County and State projects
that are currently under way. Organize a group to go to County Council
meetings as needed.

Group 3 Registered Voters:
Work on getting as many people into the Voter Registrar Classes. This is a
1.5 hour required class to register voters. Create a report on the progress of
the voter's registration group.

Group 4 Finance and Fund Raising:
This group will work on a fund raising (awareness) event. This group will
also work on getting a Tax Id and any other legal documents the group
will need. Create a report we can use each month to track income and

Group 5 Advertising and Design:
This group will corne up with three names/ logos for our group to choose
from. They will design and handle the newspaper ads and posters for the
upcoming meetings or fund raising events.

Group 6 Research and Development:
Research how much each district is receiving in preperty taxes for 2008.
How many people voted and by what district? Research why specific
projects are stalled and give solutions to get them back on track. Create a
report we can use each month to track information.

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