Friday, July 24, 2009

Janice Palma-Glennie's letter/ Susan Replys

aloha susan,
Though I understand the frustration which led to calls for creating two separate Hawai`I Island counties, my contention has remained that the idea lacks a sense of place/heritage and any potential for becoming reality (a “taking your eye off the ball” mission).
Making meaningful changes to the political system is the only way to change county politics. Campaign finance reform is the most logical, attainable, systemic way for citizens to achieve control over their government. As the situation now exists, the candidate with the most money usually wins. A separate west hawaii county? Different faces, same problems*.
not only do corporate-backed candidates win elections, but non-corporate/special interest candidates are loathe to get involved in a system in which they have to beg and plead for money in order to have a glimmer of a chance to win an election. What are we left with? Corporate cronies, rich retirees, and/or millionaires making the decisions that affect the other 99.9% of us.
I hope that your group will shift its focus to helping get viable, grassroots candidates elected, especially to east side county council posts. With support of campaign finance reform and concentrated backing of reform candidates like angel pilago, brenda ford, bob jacobson, and pete hoffmann, the residents of this island will be able to see a tectonic shift in politics as usual — a shift which was well under way before 2008’s disastrous election.
mahalo for your time, janice
*not sure if you were here back then, but before west hawai`I got some good council representation (angel pilago, curtis tyler, brenda ford, nancy pisicchio, pete hoffman), west hawaii was “represented” by the likes of john santangelo, keola childs, joe reynolds and leningrad elarinoff. Did they represent west hawaii` or the needs/interests of local residents? Au contraire: they voted in good old boy lock-step.------------------

Aloha Janice,I don't know if you were at the meeting. But the focus ended up with creating an umbrella group to help all districts come out of the dark ages when it comes to equality for their tax dollars.I have been here since 1988, my inlaws came in 1969. So Yes I have been through alot of Councils. 1.Back when Curtis Tyler was our council man I had $900,000 for the design of our new North Kona fire station. We had agreed that Matsumoto owed over $175,000.00 for our water that was never paid to the Water Department. Their house on the Mamalahoa was torn down and we were to get 1/2 acre for our fire station. Curtis Tyler signed the agreement. Only he NEVER READ the AGGREEMENT and it clearly stated that the land must be surveyed within one year and Dan Bolton would buy the remained from the County. The land was never survey and Bolton reszoned it from 5 acre parcels to 1/2 acre parcels and sold it to Phil Tingley. The county had no leg to stand on because they never followed through with the contract.2. Angel Pilago was our council man and never did anything to help connenct our roads. We have a road Holu Holu between Palisades and Kona Coastview that is FINISHED and ready to open but we are still waiting for our council man to take action. Angel claimed credit for the water system in Kona Coastview and he NEVER attended one meeting, fund raiser or anything else that facilitated the completion of the system. NO and I repeat NO Council men or Mayor did any kind of leg work, correspondance or help with the Kona Coastview water. It was 100% Homeowners in Kona Coastview.3. Kelly Greenwell brought us the singing frogs at the Holualoa Junction at his nursery. We begged and pleaded to spray and he never did. Now the frogs are on Alii Dr. His idea of bringing the GITMO prisioners sounds like something that will surely DRIVE AWAY our biggest business (TOURISM). Our group is not to split the island but to unit the island to defend and support all districts that are plighted with unfair government practices.I am still looking for a good Council person for our district to support. I haven't found one yet.We need someone that respects the Aina and wants to grow the island responsibly. We need someone with a track record of doing things for our community.This is volunteer work for me and I take a beating like no other job I have ever had. I sometimes doubt is it worth the constant kicks in the teeth. I have been hammer with calls and emails beyond belief. Cries for HELP. What can I do?Thanks, Susan

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