Monday, September 06, 2010

Who did the Kona Coastview Water system???

Let’s get the story straight.

After Joe Fagundas’sattempted to do the water without success, I stepped in and organized the neighborhood. No we don’t have a homeowners association so It was by mailing, calling and setting up email correspondence so we can work together. My help researching and putting this project together came from Bonnie Goodell of Volcano. She was my first point of guidance. She came out and walked the subdivision and worked on solutions. I could talk to her and trouble shoot.

My core group was Contractor David Livingston, Jim Williams, Margaret Marceron, Julian and Karen Silva, Jake Jacobs. David wanted a private system but we needed the Federal funding in order to do it and the County fought for a deductible system and it had to be their design. We had an engineer do his Masters degree on our system for ¼ the cost of the county system. The water from the Mamalahoa crashing down the hill ran the entire system without any power (OIL), It had metal tanks and heavy duty PVC type of pipe (they have been using over the past 2 decades, due to iron pipes breaking down and leaching shards of iron into the water system. The research showed Concrete tanks were NEVER used in a seismic area due to cracking and huge maintenance and repairs). The County wanted the concrete tanks and iron pipes, and the county was the only one that could sign for the USDA Federal Funding (Clinton Water 2000), (I found calling Washington D.C.).

The original thought was to complete a fire station at the same time as the water system so our homeowners insurance would go down (within 5 miles of a fire station) and cover the $65.00 cost of the new system. The Matsumoto water company was in the rears for our water for more than a decade. Harry Kim and Curtis Tyler signed a contract to get 1 acre of Matsumoto’s land (between Palisades and Coastview) for the fire station. Due to the lack of follow up from both Harry and Curtis we lost the land because the contract they signed stated the County had one year to survey the land. They failed to do it and it was sold to Bolton.

Then comes time for the County to offer their design and it comes in at over $16,000.00 a lot. We knew people couldn’t afford it if it was over $10,000.00. So we found Attorney Alan Tuhy to work pro bono. He told me to order the Kona Coastview subdivision file from Hilo through the County building department. 2 weeks later it comes in and the file is almost 4 inches thick. I was told it is .10 per copy, so I had a $20.00 in my purse and just starting copying away. I took all my copies to Alan and he began looking through it and asked if I could order the whole file again so he could come down and review it. The file comes back form Hilo and now it is less than ½ inch. It lost weight between Hilo and Kona??? Go figure. By the grace of God I had copied the County dedication of the roads dated 1963. But when the file came back that was gone! So the water department had to redo the figures and take out the $860,000.00 they were charging for the cost of our roads. Then the figures came back under $10,000.00 per lot.

Harry and the water department failed to add all the of costs in the Water Improvement (add in meters and hook up into the USDA funding) so when it came time to hook up we had up charges ( in the thousands) of a new meter, water pipes (and standards to hook up? None provided and what about those that couldn’t afford it?.) We had a meeting with at my house with plumbers, back hoe operators, and George Wilkins (water board volunteer), no I didn’t see Harry, or Angel there. I fielded call after call asking what are the standards to hook up? What if I can’t afford it??????? I helped dig holes and find pipes to give those that couldn’t afford it. No Angel wasn’t there.

After all that work do you think the County (Angel at the time) would step in and help those in need. NO he was not there. Finally I had it. I was exhausted, not being paid for hours and hours of work and I told people to call your county council man (Angel) and let him do the job he is being paid to do. Then and Only then did Angel’s office field the calls (Karen Eoff). As I said before Angel was not there in the time of need for his constituents. For him to claim he did the water system in Kona Coastview is laughable.

Susan McGeachy

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