Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What has happened to America??? What have we lost?

Just a generation or two ago we were a producing Nation. We had traditions. We learned our parent's trade and continued with the family business. If my father was a shoe maker then I learned the craft and followed in his foot steps. Now we are a Nation of consumers! We are not producing much anymore. We don't know any survial skills like planting a garden to eat. Where did we lose our way?

Our Government (on the Big Island) is all about GREED. taking a 23% raise when we are all hurting and unemployed is crazy. The Mayor can't balance his budget with his extensive travels. The rest of the Nation is shrinking down employees and laying off and cutting hours. Not the Big Island. Mayor Billy is all about spending, spending, spending.... The county council can be using the Old Airport for meetings and saving about $7,000-00+ per meeting. But NO the Sheraton is much classer and more EXPENSIVE.

Why can't we buckle down and down size like everyone else is doing?
The number ONE employer in the State of Hawaii is in fact the "State of Hawaii it's self" and the number TWO employer in the the State is the "County of Hawaii".
We need to look at our County Budget with a new light. Do we need it or Do we want it??? Travel is a luxury and not a necessity. Emily Naole going to Washington for what on my tax dollar?? What did is accomplish, What was the purpose of her trip. Surely it wasn't to show off her Minne Pearl hats!

How much money in water, maintainance, man power and cost is the Queen K grass consuming?? Replant with drought resistant plants and get rid of the water system.

It's time to rethink the $100.00 minimum property tax that so many on the East side are enjoying. We need to be fair to ALL. and charge according to property value. Raising everyone's tax is not going to work when the short sales have cut the property values and I would think everyone will be hounding the tax office for a new valuation of their property and the County could end up shooting it's self if the foot.

Another area that can be changed is the millions of tax payer dollars going to towing dead cars left on the road. We need to pass a bill that goes back to the VIN number of the vehicle and charges the last known owner for the towing and storage fees. This information should go on the Police records so they can make some money writing tickets for irresponsible dumping. If you sell a vehicle GO to the DMV and report the new owners name and address.

Let's buckle down and go line by line on our County Budget and pull it together.

I thought about runing for County Council but making a 4 hour drive to and from work is not in my budget.
Working over 100 miles from my home is not responsible.
Let's be responsible and start thinking in terms of HOW CAN WE SAVE MONEY?

1 comment:

Sooze said...

This letter was run in West Hawaii Today and I had one call of great support of the letter, and I had one call for any anger lady that said I was insulting all Hawaiian women by referring to Emily's junky hats.

The Hawaiian women I have known over the last 22 years in Hawaii,are educated and elegant and professional. They can speak our national language with words and grammer.

They know Government is not the place to bring prayer. They sure don't allow prayer in the schools.Watch a County Council meeting on TV and you see for yourself.