Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tsunami hits Big Island after 8.8 quake in Chile

Being prepared was the key here. We had 6 hours from the time the sirens went off to evacuate the entire coast of Hawaii. Mamalahoa Highway had cars lining the roads. Most of the hotels downtown sent the people to Kmart parking lot. Hinalani had trucks with boats lining the side streets and everyone else who owned a boat that could not be pulled from the water went out to the open sea.
We are very thankful we were spared and have such DEEP waters surrounding our islands.
This is a good opportunity for people to take stock in an emergency prepardeness kit. Waiting for an emergency to happen is too late and creates caos.
We do have lead time with tsunami's and hurricanes. We don't have lead time if the quake is here in the island chain.
Be cautious, Be prepared, and be Aware.

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