The tradegy in the Tucson shooting was:
That the gun and bullets are available with little or no effort.
There should be legislation to out law automatic weapons like that. Why do you need more then 10 rounds at once? This nut had 30 rounds in seconds. Sad.
There were warning signs but he still came under the radar.
The College threw him out and thats all they could do.
The guy at Walmart selling the bullets didn't notice that this guy was deranged?
The father noticed that his son was dranged but didn't call the Police?
Should of would of could of.....
Time for Congress/ Sentate to step forward and protect us from this kind of mahame.
The Repulican speak is that your right to own and bear a weapon is in the constitution.
The reality is when the constitution was written they had to load one bullet and fire and reload.
They didn't have repeating rounds 30 times?
If heatlh care isn't available to all; who is going to cover all these gun accidents/shootings????